Thursday, January 9, 2014

THE SLEDGE-A-TORIAL: Of Internet "Celebrities" and Special Snowflakes

By: Chris "Sledge" Douglas

You know, I typically stay far away from Internet drama... especially that of "Internet Celebrities." Normally, I've got so much going on in my OWN life, including running my own business for it to even make a blip on my radar.

But, thanks to the InternetAristocrat on YouTube, I feel I need to say something.

Now, the aforementioned Aristocrat did a fine enough job covering the generalities of how stupid and ridiculous the general reaction to this issue is that I don't feel the need to retread what he said.

Oh yeah... what am I talking about? This.

So apparent "Internet Celebrity" Nash Grier made a video with his friends about what they found attractive.

That's it.

They made such CONTROVERSIAL statements as:

- They like girls with personalities.
- They like girls who are independant.
- They like girls who don't look like savage woodland creatures.

It's normal vapid teenage bullshit.  And as I said, under any other circumstance, I would not have said a damn thing.  I would have just ignored it.

But then, fellow "Internet Celebrity" Hank Green piped in.

Hank Green, best known for, along with his brother John, some halfway decent Internet programming such as SciShow, Crash Course, Mental Floss, etc.,  all three of which I am currently subscribed to. They are all good shows, though a bit overproduced in my humble 22 view average opinion.  But still, they are some fairly entertaining and informative programming.  Certainly far more deserving of Internet

Here's a screenshot of his comment, again thanks to the InternetAristocrat:

And I was like, "really?"

Let's break this up and REALLY look at what he is saying versus, well, common sense...

I understand why this is not immediately obvious to you.  But this is a really problematic way to talk about women, especially considering that your audience is mostly young women.  Implied in a lot of what you're saying is that women exist to appeal to you, and the young women who look up to you and watch your videos will begin to see themselves that way.

First off, NOWHERE in the video is it implied that women "exist to appeal to [Grier]..."  Absolutely nowhere.  All he says is "I like girls with X, I don't like girls with Y."  Normal everyday vanilla vapid teenage stuff.  Hell, I'd go so far as to say it's extra normal, because everyone has their own sexual preferences.  However, Hank seems to think that this kid's unnervingly large fanbase is stocked to the brim with delicate eggshell egos.  And maybe it's true, if you look at the myriad of comments who took exception to Grier's statements.  But does that make him responsible for their feelings?  Absolutely not.

But it gets worse.

I know it doesn't seem like it to you, but telling women they have to shave their arm hair to appeal to you isn't just offensive, it's actually abusive.




Do you want to know what's abusive?  THIS is abusive.  Or how about this?  Or even this.  These are examples of REAL WORLD abuse.  Someone POTENTIALLY hurting someone's feelings by stating that he may or may not be attracted to someone is NOT abusive.

Let's not diminish the meaning of the word "abusive" by saying that this one kid's stating his preferences in girls is even close to ANY of that.

It's a terrible thing to say to a person... let alone a collection of 300,000 people.

Wow. Just... wow.

First off, you have a problem with people focused on the physical?  Welcome to the Internet, Hank!  Hell, welcome to LIFE!  Again, people have preferences.  This is NOTHING new, and as much as I think Grier's fame is undeserved, so is this attempt at a guilt trip.

Secondly, he NEVER specifically mentions ANYONE IN PARTICULAR.  Maybe if he was personally harassing someone about their looks, then I could see that as being "problematic."  BUT AGAIN, HE WAS JUST STATING HIS PREFERENCES.  LIKE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DO.  EVERYDAY.

But no... according to Green, Grier is responsible for the feelings of EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO VIEWS HIS VIDEO.

Uh oh!  Better watch what you say!  ONE PERSON may feel A LITTLE BIT bad about it!

Seriously?  This is what you're saying, Hank?

You have a responsibility with your newfound audience.  There are a lot of people paying attention to what you say, and you have the power to make them feel better about themselves or worse about themselves.  

So, again, you are SERIOUSLY implying that anyone with a large audience has an OBLIGATION to make people feel better about themselves?  Really???

Consider what impact you want to have before you make a video like this.  

I think he did.  It wasn't supposed to have ANY impact other than talk about his preferences.  THAT'S IT.

And, in a perfect world, consider taking this video down and uploading an apology.


Why is what this kid said even a controversy at all?

Dear Hank Green,

What this kid said is nowhere NEAR offensive.  And while I expect the general dimwitted Internet populace to react the way they did, I was truly surprised and taken aback by how you responded.  To say that what Grier said was "abusive" was ridiculous at best, and dangerous at worst, considering all the real world abuse that is currently happening.

You taking this kid to task for his completely vanilla statements was really surprising.  But on top of it all, it was disappointing.  I really thought you were smarter than this.

I am considering unsubbing to your programming.  Your statements have offended me that much.

You should consider what kind of impact you want your statements to have.

Best wishes, Chris "Sledge" Douglas.


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