Monday, October 7, 2013

THE SLEDGE-A-TORIAL: The Ballad of Teddy Cruz

Once upon a time, there was a politician by the name of Rand Paul. He garnered much attention for his filibuster, the first time in ages when an ACTUAL filibuster happened, despite the countless procedural activities labeled 'filibuster' done by our representatives and senators. He actually stood and talked for hours for the purpose of preventing something from passing.

While there are many key areas where I disagree with Mr. Paul, his stance against drone usage and constant warfare is something I do agree with.

Mr. Paul's activity was widely noticed by both the mainstream press and the public at large. But someone else noticed him... Ted Cruz

Not widely known for being the most intelligent of people, Ted Cruz had presidential aspirations. He wanted a way to get major attention.

So he spoke for 21 hours. His purpose was to filibuster a bill which had no chance of passing anyway. A bill which he SUPPORTED... but is still attempting to block.

Did he change his mind?  Did he decide to jump in front of the train to save the American people?

No.  In the end, he voted for the bill anyway.  In fact, this is what inspired other legislators of his ilk to shutdown the entire government.

To quote Harry Reid, an individual I have no particular care for either:

“It has been interesting to watch, but Ms. President, for a lack of a better way of describing this, it has been a big waste of time. The government is set to shut down in a matter of hours — in just a few days government will close.”
- Via Washington Times



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