Sunday, December 16, 2012

The SLEDGE-A-TORIAL - Scumbag Watch - Mike Huckabee and The AFA

I'm sure I don't need to preface this article with anything having to do with Adam Lanza and the Newtown, CT incident. What happened there was absolutely horrendous, and should never have happened.

But that's not going to stop some people from taking advantage of it.

Enter the AFA, otherwise known as the American Family Association.

According to Right Wing Watch, during an AFA radio show, Bryan Fischer said that God could have protected the victims of this massacre, but didn't because "God is not going to go where he is not wanted." Here it is, in video form:

However, it doesn't end there. Former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee also wanted to join in the fray. On Fox News, he said the following, "We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools... Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?"

There's more to it, of course. Here's the video, from Talking Points Memo:

Seems that WE CAN'T EVEN GET THROUGH THE WEEKEND without using a national tragedy for one's own purposes. Instead of actually talking about the real causes, we get the above. As usual, no conservative would dare consider tackling gun control or legislation in regards to mental illness checks and gun ownership, right? Please prove me wrong.

Goddamn please prove me wrong.


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